Join us in support of a healthy ocean and Great Lakes as we bring CHOW to Capitol Hill!

Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2024:
Hill Day on June 4th and closing reception on June 6th

Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) kicks off with a splash with our Hill Day! And join us on June 6th, 2024 after the conference for a celebratory reception on Capitol Hill! 

CHOW 2024 Hill Day provides the opportunity to elevate ocean and Great Lakes policy issues with Members of Congress and their staff. We urge CHOW attendees to arrange their own meetings  with their elected officials to discuss critical policy issues affecting conservation, science and technology.

Come lend your voice – Congress needs to hear from ocean champions and the need for action to support our ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes. CHOW Hill Day provides a national platform for engaging with elected leaders and opportunities for Members of Congress to introduce and advance legislation, moving beyond conversation to increase ocean policy outcomes.

In addition to Hill meetings, CHOW 2024 Hill Day will feature unique opportunities for attendees to engage with leaders in the ocean space. Register free for all events below. Space is limited for our June 4th panels. We kindly request organizations limit their participation to 2 people.

Join us in support of a healthy ocean and Great Lakes as we bring CHOW to Capitol Hill!

¡Únase a nosotros en apoyo de un océano y unos Grandes Lagos sanos mientras llevamos la CHOW al Capitolio!

Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2024: Día del Capitolio el 4 de junio y recepción de clausura el 6 de junio


¡La Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) arranca con fuerza con nuestro Día del Capitolio! 

El Día del Capitolio de la CHOW 2024 Hill brinda la oportunidad de plantear cuestiones de política oceánica y de los Grandes Lagos a los miembros del Congreso y a su personal. Instamos a los asistentes a la CHOW a que organicen sus propias reuniones con sus cargos electos para debatir cuestiones políticas críticas que afectan a la conservación, la ciencia y la tecnología.

Venga a prestar su voz: el Congreso debe escuchar a los defensores de los océanos y la necesidad de actuar para apoyar a nuestros océanos, costas y Grandes Lagos. El Día del Capitolio de la CHOW supone una plataforma nacional para relacionarse con los líderes electos y oportunidades para que los miembros del Congreso presenten y promuevan legislación, yendo más allá de la conversación para favorecer los resultados de la política oceánica.

Además de las reuniones en el Congreso, el Día del Congreso de la CHOW 2024 ofrecerá oportunidades únicas para que los asistentes se relacionen con los líderes del espacio oceánico.

¡Y acompáñenos el 6 de junio de 2024 después de la conferencia a una recepción de celebración en el Capitolio!

¡Únase a nosotros en apoyo de un océano y unos Grandes Lagos saludables cuando llevemos la CHOW al Capitolio!



¡Esté atento para conocer más detalles sobre el Día del Capitolio de la CHOW! Para saber más y mantenerse en contacto, marque la casilla del Día del Capitolio dentro de su inscripción a la CHOW.

CHOW Hill Day Coastal Coffee: Diving into Heritage in Sanctuaries

Date/Time: Tuesday, June 4th from 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. 

Hosted by National Marine Sanctuary Foundation


CHOW Hill Day will open with a morning policy perk up; attendees will hear from Members of Congress and national marine sanctuary champions.  

From the first national marine sanctuary; Monitor, to the latest, Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast, to those to be designated, our National Marine Sanctuary System encompasses the deeply rooted and diverse stories of America as a maritime Nation. Our ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes are central to the way of life of people and communities of the United States. National marine sanctuaries preserve cultural heritage seascapes including historic shipwrecks, battlegrounds at sea, archival documents, oral history, Indigenous culture, and prehistoric archaeological sites. Join us in a conversation about our nation’s shared maritime and cultural heritage. Together we will shed light on how NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary System and our local partners protect the story of our diverse past, an integral part of our national identity that shapes our future. 

Register Free

CHOW Hill Day Blue Tech Briefing

Date/Time: Tuesday, June 4th from 12:00pm-1:00pm 

Hosted by National Marine Sanctuary Foundation in conjunction with the Senate and House Oceans Caucuses and the Oceans Caucus Foundation 


CHOW brings together national and global leaders to explore innovative solutions and actions to better understand and protect our blue planet.  New technologies are emerging on rapid timelines. Continued advancements and applications of uncrewed autonomous vehicles, eDNA and omics, and machine learning and artificial intelligence are only a few of the latest innovative technologies. From new wildlife surveying and biodiversity monitoring to more secure and sustainable food systems with better fisheries stock and aquaculture assessments, and predicting harmful algae blooms, ocean health, and climate impacts through PACE satellite intelligence, these technical advancements give us a better understanding of life on our planet. These tools can expand and validate data and information, increase efficiency of analysis and computing, and drive decision-making. How are these innovative technologies being deployed and utilized by scientists, government agencies, universities, and communities to better understand and protect our blue planet? Where do investments still need to be made to advance and scale up “Blue Tech” and create effective and inclusive public-private partnerships? 


Register Free

CHOW Hill Day Afternoon Panel - Marine Renewable Energy: An Emerging Climate Solution

Date/Time: Tuesday, June 4th from 3:00pm-4:00pm 

Hosted by National Marine Sanctuary Foundation in conjunction with the Senate and House Oceans Caucuses and the Oceans Caucus Foundation 

 A number of tidal and wave energy converter devices are operational across the world with more completing trials each year providing clean, renewable energy to electric grids. These ocean technologies can provide renewable energy to remote communities when large-scale offshore wind farms may not. This briefing will lay out the role of marine renewable energy as a climate solution, what policies and resources are needed in the United States to address technology and commercial development challenges, and how development can occur in a responsible, just and accelerated manner for the particular benefit of remote coastal communities. 

Register Free

Capitol Hill Ocean Week Congressional Reception

Date/Time: Thursday, June 6th from 5:30 – 7:30 pm ET  

Location: 106 Dirksen Senate Office Building 

Thank you to our reception co-hosts, Oceans Caucus Foundation, 

Join us for an evening celebration concluding Capitol Hill Ocean Week by connecting with Members of Congress and their staff, Administration officials, and other CHOW attendees and speakers as we celebrate a week of ocean conservation and policy action! Light hors d’oeuvres, wine, and beer will be served. 

Register Free

Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2024:
Hill Day on June 4th

Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) kicks off with a splash with our Hill Day!  

CHOW 2024 Hill Day provides the opportunity to elevate ocean and Great Lakes policy issues with Members of Congress and their staff. We urge CHOW attendees to arrange their own meetings  with their elected officials to discuss critical policy issues affecting conservation, science and technology.

Come lend your voice – Congress needs to hear from ocean champions and the need for action to support our ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes. CHOW Hill Day provides a national platform for engaging with elected leaders and opportunities for Members of Congress to introduce and advance legislation, moving beyond conversation to increase ocean policy outcomes.

In addition to Hill meetings, CHOW 2024 Hill Day will feature unique opportunities for attendees to engage with leaders in the ocean space.

And join us on June 6th, 2024 after the conference for a celebratory reception on Capitol Hill!

Join us in support of a healthy ocean and Great Lakes as we bring CHOW to Capitol Hill!


Date/Time:  Tuesday, June 6 from 9:00am-10:00 am

Location2045 Rayburn House Office Building

CHOW Hill Day will open with a morning policy perk up for attendees to hear from Members of Congress and national marine sanctuary champions. Coastal Coffee serves to educate CHOW attendees before they hit the Hill for meetings throughout the day. This session will focus on the importance of co-production of knowledge and how Indigenous Knowledge is being used to address ocean health and climate impacts in marine protected areas.  

Opening Remarks: 

  • Jenny Larsen, Policy Manager, National Marine Sanctuary Foundation 
  • The Honorable Jared Huffman, U.S. House of Representatives, CA-02, National Marine Sanctuary Caucus Co-Chair
  • The Honorable Ed Case, U.S. House of Representatives, HI-01


  • Carolina Behe, Cultural Resource Coordinator, NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries


  • William Aila, Elder Fisherman
  • Violet Sage Walker, Chairperson, Northern Chumash Tribal Council
  • Dr. Stephen Palumbi, Jane and Marshall Steel Jr. Professor of Marine Sciences, Professor of Oceans and of Biology, Stanford University at Hopkins Marine Station

Hosted by National Marine Sanctuary Foundation in conjunction with the Senate and House Oceans Caucuses and the Oceans Caucus Foundation 

Date/Time: Tuesday, June 6, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 

Location: Capitol Visitors Center, H-137

CHOW brings together national and global leaders to explore innovative solutions and actions with science luminaries, ocean users and stakeholders, and industry and technology executives. This year, CHOW returns to its roots on the Hill with a special lunch briefing focused on marine carbon dioxide removal. Space is limited and all guests are required to register at least 24 hours in advance per CVC guidelines. 


Opening Remarks: 

  • Carolyn Weis, Executive Director, Oceans Caucus Foundation
  • Shannon Colbert, Vice President of External Affairs, National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
  • The Honorable Suzanne Bonamici, U.S. House of Representatives,OR-01, House Oceans Caucus Co-Chair
  • The HonorableJenniffer González Colón, U.S. House of Representatives, PR, House Oceans Caucus Co-Chair



Dr. Sarah Cooley, Director, Climate Science, Ocean Conservancy


  • Dr. Jessica Cross, Oceanograper, NOAA
  • Reggie Paros, Director of Federal Affairs, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Jordan Breighner, Head of Business Development, Running Tide

Thank you to our reception co-hosts, Oceans Caucus Foundation, HawkEye 360, Embassy of Norway

Date/Time: Tuesday, June 6 from 5:30pm – 7:30 pm

Location: 106 Dirksen Senate Office Building 

Join us for an evening celebration kicking off Capitol Hill Ocean Week by connecting with Members and their staff, Administration officials, and other CHOW attendees and speakers as we celebrate a week of ocean conservation and policy action! Includes light hors d’oeuvres, wine, and beer. 


Fecha y hora: Martes 6 de junio de 9:00am-10:00 am

Luganational marine sanctuary r: 2045 Rayburn House Office Building

El Día en el Capitolio de CHOW comenzará con una sesión informativa por la mañana para que los asistentes escuchen a los miembros del Congreso y campeones de santuarios marinos nacionales. Coastal Coffee sirve para educar a los asistentes de CHOW antes de que acudan al Capitolio a las reuniones que se celebrarán durante el día. Esta sesión se centrará en la importancia de la coproducción de conocimientos y cómo se utiliza el conocimiento indígena para abordar los impactos en la salud de los océanos y el clima en las áreas marinas protegidas. 

Comentarios de apertura: 

  • Jenny Larsen, Policy Manager, National Marine Sanctuary Foundation 
  • The Honorable Jared Huffman, U.S. House of Representatives, CA-02, National Marine Sanctuary Caucus Co-Chair
  • The Honorable Ed Case, U.S. House of Representatives, HI-01


  • Carolina Behe, Cultural Resource Coordinator, NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries


  • William Aila, Elder Fisherman
  • Violet Sage Walker, Chairperson, Northern Chumash Tribal Council 
  • Dr. Stephen Palumbi, Jane and Marshall Steel Jr. Professor of Marine Sciences, Professor of Oceans and of Biology, Stanford University at Hopkins Marine Station 

Organizado por la Fundación Nacional de Santuarios Marinos en colaboración con los Comités de los Océanos del Senado y de la Cámara de Representantes y la Fundación del Comité de los Océanos.

Fecha y hora: Martes 6 de junio de 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 

Lugar: Capitol Visitors Center, H-137

CHOW reúne a líderes nacionales y mundiales para analizar soluciones y acciones innovadoras con figuras destacadas de la ciencia, usuarios y grupos con interés en los océanos, y ejecutivos de la industria y la tecnología. Este año, CHOW vuelve a sus raíces en el Capitolio con un almuerzo informativo especial enfocado en la remoción de dióxido de carbono marino. . El cupo es limitado y todos los invitados deben registrarse con al menos 24 horas de anticipación según las normas del CVC.

Comentarios de apertura:

  • Carolyn Weis, Executive Director, Oceans Caucus Foundation
  • Shannon Colbert, Vice President of External Affairs, National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
  • The Honorable Suzanne Bonamici, U.S. House of Representatives,OR-01, House Oceans Caucus Co-Chair
  • The Honorable Jenniffer González Colón, U.S. House of Representatives, PR, House Oceans Caucus Co-Chair



Dr. Sarah Cooley, Director, Climate Science, Ocean Conservancy


  • Dr. Jessica Cross, Oceanograper, NOAA
  • Reggie Paros, Director of Federal Affairs, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Jordan Breighner, Head of Business Development, Running Tide

Agradecemos a la Fundación del Comité de los Océanos, coanfitriones de la ceremonia

Fecha y hora: Martes 6 de junio de 5:30pm – 7:30 pm

Lugar: Sala 106 del Edificio Dirksen de Oficinas del Senado

¡Acompáñenos en una celebración por la noche que dará comienzo a la Semana de los Océanos de Capitol Hill, en la que podrá ponerse en contacto con miembros del Congreso y su personal, funcionarios de la Administración y otros asistentes y ponentes de la CHOW para conmemorar una semana dedicada a la conservación de los océanos y a las iniciativas políticas! Habrá aperitivos ligeros, vino y cerveza.

Download our Hill Day Toolkit!